Borough Life - It's Your Borough

Closed 10 Dec 2018

Opened 1 Nov 2018


We are continually aiming to improve our services and our facilities and it is important that we know what matters to you. We want our Borough to be somewhere that you enjoy and are proud to live in.

We are delighted to be one of Northern Ireland's top performing areas for recycling and that is a credit to you for supporting our recycling initiatives.

Keeping our Borough clean is a big focus for us and thanks to everyone who has helped with our community clean ups.

Together we are making a difference and working to make us all proud of our Borough.

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey, which will give us feedback to help us make more progress.

All responses recieved will be entered into a FREE prize draw to win a £100 Amazon Gift Card.

Why your views matter

Data collected will be processed according to the Council's GDPR guidelines. Please see the Consultation Privacy Notice attached below.