Corporate Performance and Improvement Plan 2025-26 (Draft for Consultation)
We are delighted to present, and welcome your feedback, on our Corporate Performance and Improvement Plan for the year 2025/26, outlining our steadfast commitments to the wellbeing of our residents, protecting our environment, the prosperity of the Borough and the seamless delivery of our services.
In the pursuit of delivering exceptional services to our residents, and enhancing their quality of life, we have identified six Guiding Principles on which we will focus to provide improvement this year.
These Guiding Principles are to:
• Improve the Health & Wellbeing of our Residents
• Protect our Planet’s Environment
• Provide the Best-in-Class Customer Service Experience
• Improve our Employee Experience
• To encourage Economic Growth within the Borough
• Maintain our Financial Sustainability and ensure we are a Trusted Organisation
To provide feedback on each Guiding Principle, and how we will measure success, we would appreciate you clicking on the "Online Survey" link below.
A copy of the Executive Summary of the draft 2025-26 Plan for consultation is available to download at the bottom of this page. To see the full Plan, please click on this link.
The outcomes will be detailed in our annual self-assessment report, scheduled for publication in September 2026.
For further information on GDPR and how we use your data, please see the Consultation Privacy Notice at the bottom of this page and
What happens next
The feedback from this survey will be reviewed as part of the preparation of the final draft of the Corporate Performance Improvement Plan 2025-26 which will be published by 30th June 2025.
An annual self-assessment report, scheduled for publication in September 2026, will provide further details on the achievement of these outcomes.
To further discuss any aspect of the Plan or Council Performance please email
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