Parks & Open Spaces 2025

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Closes 30 Jun 2025

Council Parks and Open Spaces - Have Your Say

1. What is your gender?
2. What is your age category?
3. Are you...
4. Please provide your postcode? We will only use this information for data analysis. Optional.
5. Please select the three Council parks and open spaces you visit most often, in order of the most frequent.
6. How often do you visit Council parks and open spaces?
7. How do you mostly travel to Council parks and open spaces? You may select more than one.
8. How satisfied are you with Council parks and open spaces in the Borough?

Please comment below:

9. Do you feel there is adequate opportunity to access Council parks and open spaces?
10. Please rank the following by order of importance to you, with 1 being the most important. You can select as many as you wish.
11. Why do you visit our Council parks and open spaces? Please rank by order of importance to you, with 1 being the most important.
12. If you visit to exercise, please select all those activities that you participate in.
13. What sort of events would you like to attend in Council parks and open spaces? You can select as many as you wish.
14. What would you like to see more of in Council parks and open spaces?
15. What additional facilities would you like to have access to? (select as many as relevant).
16. Please provide any additional comments about Council parks and open spaces?
17. Would you be willing to participate in a community group to look after parks and open spaces? (if so please provide contact details)
There is a limit of 500 characters